
Trip to Pangandaran and Citumang

So, I'm gonna share about my last holiday trip with family.
Not really exciting because it was the umpteenth time I've visited this beach, I wanted to go to another beach tbh ~,~ but I quite enjoyed the beach.


AAC 2015: Angklung For The World

Beberapa hari yang lalu tepatnya tanggal 23 April 2015, aku sama mama ikutan event "Angklung For The World" di Stadion Siliwangi. Jadi, acara ini tuh masih rangkain peringatan HUT KAA yang ke-60 atau bekennya AAC2015. Tujuan acara ini untuk memecahkan rekor dunia 20.000 orang bermain angklung secara massal. Berikut jepretannya.


AAC 2015: Asian African Meet & Greet

Beres liat pameran Bandung 1955, aku sama temen-temen lanjut ke event Asian African Meet & Greet. Bisa dilihat di hasil jepretan dibawah ini kalo event ini hanya berlangsung 2 hari saja, kalo tempatnya sih menurut informasi yg aku dapet katanya 2 hari itu di PVJ Mall dan Ciwalk, terus aku dapet info juga di PVJ itu M&G sama orang african dan yg di Ciwalk sama orang asian.

AAC 2015: Bandung 1955

So, ini hasil jepretan kemaren pas event Bandung 1955: Photo Exhibition of 1955 Asian African Conference di PVJ Mall. Bandung 1955 ini merupakan 1 dari 7 events perayaan Konperensi Asia Afrika ke-60 tahun ato lebih ngetrendnya "AAC2015" di Bandung.


A Day in NuArt Sculpture Park Bandung

Five days ago, my friends of Studio229's 16th gen and I visited NuArt Sculpture Park. It is a park and art gallery of I Nyoman Nuarta. He is one of famous Indonesian artists. One of his famous masterpieces is Garuda Wisnu Kencana or GWK statue.


Writing Party

Hello bloggers!
Sorry I haven't blogged in a while, because I was pretty busy with my college assignments lately. I'm on 2nd semester now u_u By the way, last week my writing lecturer gave me (and my classmates) a narrative assignment (such as fiction). I think write a fiction was not easy since I'm not really good on grammar and to make a good story lol, but yeah I gave my best on it. We held 'Students Writing Exhibition' in the Class. We stuck our fictions on the wall one by one. It just like exhibition while 'meet and greet' with the author. It was so much fun! and here some photos~


Explore UPI

At campus with my college friend, Nabilah and nothing to do lol. I'm just bored at home huhu. So quite there, yeah it is because of the semester holiday. I captured my favorite spots in my campus. I'm so interested at photography lately although I know I'm not good at it lol.

At Barety (In front of Isola Building). Isola is the UPI's icon, my favorite place to sit around and doing nothing lol  


My Cats and Kittens Story

Today I wanna post about my beloved pet. Her name is Lily, I found her in front of my house a year ago. She was very tiny and looked hunger at that time. I love the motifs of her fur, it's rarely to find, so that is why I adopted her. She was an obedient, smart and friendly cat. She was always accompanied me when I was worked on my college assignments until late at night. I love her so much although she just a domestic cat.